The Relationship
TAG has had a working relationship with the ATA for over 20 years now. What started as a simple needs communications package has evolved, over time, to a partners in strategic thinking and brand building relationship.
Given our history it would take far too long to give you the full account of what we have done. However to provide some insight as to breakthough thinking we have included a project from our more recent campaign.

We were again faced with more uncertainty of funding. With an election due any moment the ATA needed to secure the public’s trust and make sure whomever they voted for would hold School Funding a priority.
However there are even more rules around what is perceived as electoral advertising so we had to tread carefully.
In a bold move we suggested that maybe the Government wasn’t the real face of education but we are. We are the ones you should trust when it comes to those decisions. Again just saying that would ruin every good thing we’ve done.
So we wrapped the message in a child’s story. Again the first time the ATA has ever done that. The scripts were written around every single message the ATA needed to present.
And if you listen carefully past the emotions you can hear our needs brought forth.
By letting the kids say their teachers are great the ATA in turn looks good.
These videos launched as 2 minute movies, 30 sec pre-rolls online and even as ads in Cinema Theatres. The response has been overwhelming.
We have since taken the ‘Face Of Education’ onto billboards, magazines and even grocery bars.